


アラビーヤによると、フェイスブックの「シリア革命2011」が、2月4日の金曜礼拝後の抗議行動を呼びかける一方、「シリア怒りの日」、「シリア国民インティファーダ」(Intifāḍa al-Shaʻb al-Sūrī)といったページも2月5日にデモを呼びかけている。


また、フェイスブック上に「怒りの日のシリア革命声明」(Bayān al-Thawra al-Sūrīya li-Yawm al-Ghaḍab)がアップされた。


يا شعبنا السوري الأبي –

أيّها الشباب السوري المقدام من كل الفئات والطبقات

يا شباب دمشق الفيحاء وحمص ابن الوليد وحماة أبي الفداء وحلب الشهباء.
ياشباب كل مدينة وبلدة وقرية في وطننا سورية الحبيبة.

ا ينبغي السكوت عن الظلم بعد اليوم. لقد طفح الكيل ولا من سامع أو مجيب .

يا شباب سوريه : أنتم معقد الأمل والرجاء بعد الله.

لستم أقل من أبطال تونس وأبطال مصر.لاتنسو من انتم. الان نعلن و بجمع غفير
من الثوار الجياع للحرية. وبأجماع كبير لصناع الثورة. وضمانا لاستمرارية دائمة في
العصيان. واستغلالاً لحشد المصلين. وذلك لصعوبة تفرقتهم. واعلاءً لكلمتهم:

نعلن بأنه وبعد صلاة الجمعة الموافق 4/شباط هو أول أيام الغضب للشعب
السوري الأبي.

لا نريد ثورة هوجاء بل نريد انتفاضة سلمية.

نريد أن ترفعوا أصواتكم بشكل سلمي وحضاري. فالتعبير عن الرأي يكفله
الدستور والقانون وكل القوانين الوضعية والسماوية.

تقدموا يا ايها الشباب واحملوا الراية ، العزّ لكم والمستقبل لكم ، على
أكتافكم ستبنون الدولة الدستورية المدنية الديمقراطية ، تحقق العدالة الاجتماعية
وفرص العمل لكل الشباب والعاطلين وتتعهد براتب شهري لكل عاطل عن العمل من مؤسسات
وتأمينات اجتماعية ومن إيرادات الاوقاف الّتي سرقتها الدولة إلى ميزانيتها دون حق
ولا عدل ولا شرعية .

أيها الرئيس : هبّة الشعوب لا يقف أمامها شيء ، لا تعتمد على من حولك
فيكيدوا لك كيدا.

نريد ان نقول اننا لسنا ضد شخصك ، ولكن ضد أسلوب الحكم الفردي والفساد
والاستبداد وتكديس الثروة بيد أقربائك وحاشيتك.

يا شباب حزب البعث: أسقطوا رموز الفساد في حزبكم ولا تنسوا أنّكم جزءٌ من
الشعب،فالتحموا معه.

يا منسوبي الأجهزة الأمنية: هؤلاء الشباب المتطلع للحرية هم أبناؤكم
وإخوانكم فلا تقمعوهم وحافظوا عليهم فهم ثروة الوطن وعدّة المستقبل ، فالولاء
للوطن أولاً بعد الله العزيز القاهر، والوطن للجميع .




We have more difficult circumstances than most of the Arab countries but in spite of that Syria is stable. Why? Because you have to be very closely linked to the beliefs of the people. This is the core issue. When there is divergence between your policy and the people’s beliefs and interests, you will have this vacuum that creates disturbance. So people do not only live on interests; they also live on beliefs, especially in very ideological areas. Unless you understand the ideological aspect of the region, you cannot understand what is happening.

President Assad: We started the reform since I became a president. But the way we look at the reform is different from the way you look at it. For us, you cannot put the horses before the carriage. If you want to start, you have to start with 1, 2, 3, 4… you cannot start with 6 and then go back to one. For me, number (1) is what I have just mentioned: how to upgrade the whole society. For me as a government and institutions, the only thing to do is issuing some decrees and laws, let us say. Actually, this is not reform. Reform could start with some decrees but real reform is about how to open up the society, and how to start dialogue.

Kull-na Shuraka', February 1, 2011

Kull-na Shuraka’, February 1, 2011

If you did not see the need for reform before what happened in Egypt and in Tunisia, it is too late to do any reform. This is first. Second, if you do it just because of what happened in Tunisia and Egypt, then it is going to be a reaction, not an action; and as long as what you are doing is a reaction you are going to fail. So, it is better to have it as a conviction because you are convinced of it, and this is something we talk about in every interview and every meeting. We always say that we need reform but what kind of reform. This is first. Second, if you want to make a comparison between what is happening in Egypt and Syria, you have to look from a different point: why is Syria stable, although we have more difficult conditions? Egypt has been supported financially by the United States, while we are under embargo by most countries of the world. We have growth although we do not have many of the basic needs for the people. Despite all that, the people do not go into an uprising. So it is not only about the needs and not only about the reform. It is about the ideology, the beliefs and the cause that you have. There is a difference between having a cause and having a vacuum. So, as I said, we have many things
in common but at the same time we have some different things.

That [timeframe for moving toward the reform] depends on whether you are the only captain in that ship. We are not the only captain. I just mentioned how we were affected by the situation in Iraq or in Lebanon. There are many things that we wanted to do in 2005 we are planning to do in the year 2012, seven years later! It is not realistic to have a timeframe because you are not living in situation where you can control the events. I just started by saying that every week we have something new. So, you cannot predict what is going to happen next year. Of course, you always put a timetable but you rarely could implement that timetable.




Akhbar al-Sharq, January 31, 2011, February 3, 2011, February 1, 2011、Kull-na Surakā’ Sūrīya, January 31, 2011、al-Sharq al-Awsaṭ, February 3, 2011、The Wall Street Journal, January 31, 2011などをもとに作成。

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